Terms of entry

Organising an event requires a considerable amount of forward planning, time, risk and expense. Approximately 9 – 12 months prior to our events taking place, work begins and costs are incurred. These include administrative, insurance, advertising, marketing, equipment, website and staff costs. As an event draws nearer, we continue to incur costs, many in relation to the number of entrants in the event. The following ‘Terms & Conditions’ are set in place to ensure that we provide athletes with safe and enjoyable events throughout the year.

1. Conditions of Entry:

By entering a PMA Racing event (either online or postal) applicants agree to abide by our terms and conditions as outlined below.

2. Confirmation of Entry:

Satisfactory completion of a transaction through the applicable online payment system confirms the applicants place in the race for which they have applied.  Discounted codes are used on the net price of the race (excluding BTF Day Licence costs and online booking fee) and only one discount code can be used per entry.

3. Change of Entry/Cancellations/Competitor Withdrawal:

The Applicant acknowledges and accepts that circumstances concerning the Event may change from time to time for reasons outside of the Organisers reasonable control or otherwise, without the Organiser incurring any liability and without any rights to withdrawal being accrued by the Participant save as expressly set out in these terms and conditions.

The Organiser may cancel the Event due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Organiser including, without limitation, (i) acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake or other natural disaster; (ii) epidemic or pandemic; (iii) terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations, or threats thereof; (iv) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom; (v) any law or any action taken by a government, public authority or governing body, including without limitation imposing any advice or restriction against events or gatherings, export or import restriction, quota or prohibition, or failing to grant a necessary licence or consent; (vi) collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident; (vii) any labour or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts; (viii) non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors (including any venue); and/or (ix) interruption or failure of utility service.

In the event of cancelation under the above, the applicant will not be entitled to any refund of: (i) the entry fee; (ii) any Registration Platform processing fees; or (iii) any other losses, such as travel or accommodation expenses.

If the Organiser cancels the Event pursuant to the above, the Organiser shall, to the extent possible, provide a free transfer to another of the Organiser’s events.

The Organiser reserves the right to change the date of the Event. In the event of such change of date of the Event, and if the Applicant is unable to attend on the revised date, they have 7 days to inform the Organiser in writing from when the change in date is announced to receive a refund of their entry fee (excluding any Registration Platform processing fees).

The Organiser reserves the right to alter the start time of the Event. In the event of a change of start time the Appicant will be notified of the revised start time with as much notice as reasonably practicable. The Applicant acknowledges that if the Event will have an earlier start time, it is the Applicant’s responsibility to ensure that they arrive at the time allocated to them. No refund in full or in part shall be made for any change in start time for the Event provided the Event takes place on the specified date of the Event.

The Organiser reserves the right to amend the Event format, including changing the course and the distance, at its sole discretion. If the Event format, course or distance, is changed the Applicant will not be entitled to any refund and there shall be no further liability whatsoever arising from such change of format, course or distance.

In order to ensure the roads can re-open on time in line with the Organiser’s obligations to the relevant local authorities and to ensure the proper functioning of the transition areas, the Organiser has the right to remove, from the Event, those Participants who do not meet the applicable required cut-off times. No refunds will be paid to Participants in these cases.

We endeavour to make sure we provide you with the event that you have entered. If for any reason we have to cancel (not including alterations) an event, we will give you a full refund. As with other events (sports, cinema, theatre, concerts, etc), if after paying for them you have to withdraw, you will not receive a refund, regardless of the reason (injury, pregnancy, holiday, business, work, etc). However, if you do need to withdraw from any of our events, we are prepared to honour you entry into an alternative event at no extra charge or an entry into the following years event (valid for 12 months), provided we are notified 4 weeks before the event. Should you withdraw more than 4 weeks prior to the event we will pay a full refund less a £20 administration fee.

Updated on 6th June 2021 in line with Global Pandemic

4. Transfer of Entry:

We do not allow applicants permitted to transfer their entry to another individual otherwise race insurances will be invalidated. However a race transfer can take place with a completed ‘downloadable’ application form completed by the transferee with a £20 administration fee up to 1 week prior to the race taking place (apart from the Sportive – because entries are sent in the post and it will be 3 weeks prior to the race).

5. Race Information:

All information relating to all PMA Racing will be published on www.pma-racing.co.uk approximately 7 days prior to the race taking place. Any foreseen alterations to the course or event will also be published on the website as will individual start times. It is the responsibility of all competitors to ensure they are aware of all information relating to the event.

6. Registration:

Details of race registration times relating to specific events will be posted on confirmed race information details. All athletes are required to attend registration within the times specified. Applicants who do not attend registration within these times will not be allowed to race and will lose their rights to a place in that race/event. It is the responsibility of competitors to ensure they have accessed the relevant information relating to registration at their event. Someone else can register on behalf of the applicant provided written authorisation is provided along with a relevant British Triathlon Federation (BTF) licence. If a reduced entry fee is paid on the assumption of a valid BTF race licence then this will be verified at registration and if for some reason that this is not valid or the licence has not been presented then the relevant day licence must be purchased.

7. Prizes:

Any individual who has won a prize at a PMA Racing event must either:
Collect the prize at the presentation
Arrange for the prize to be collected
Make arrangements with the Race Director to receive the prize post-race day prior to the presentation.
If the winner of a prize does not do one of the above, then that individual will forego the right to the prize and the prize will not be awarded to him / her.

8. Completion of Entry Form:

Please ensure you take the time to fill in entry forms as clearly as possible. Any changes must be notified in writing to events@pma-racing.co.uk at least 4 days before the actual event.

9. Photography:

The promoters maintain the right to use images and photographs taken by their contracted photographers and employees at the event without informing of or recompense to event participants. These images can be used for promotional purposes as undertaken by the promoters and their partners, which will cover a range of possible uses including advertising press and media, printed information items, editorial coverage and any other promotion directly related to the promoters or their sponsors.

10. Right of Refusal of entry:

PMA Racing maintain the right to refuse or revoke entry to any applicant, where they believe that accepting the entry could prejudice the event, PMA Racing, PMA Racing sponsors, associates or staff. This right of refusal extends to include applications where acceptance is considered by the promoters to be likely to infringe upon the enjoyment of any persons connected with the event, including staff, marshals, volunteers & other competitors

11. Marshalls:

Organising a multisport event requires a significant number of volunteers from course set up, break down, course marshall to many more tasks and without the support of volunteers the races would not go ahead to the high standard we expect. If you would like to get involved in return for a free race entry to another of our events – contact us at events@pma-racing.co.uk or Tel – 07493 045260